Friday 15 August 2014

Concept Art ideas

Concept art - A decaying Jungle - Steampunk Robots - Ancient Ruins. What more do you want?

Its a Working Progress 

Saturday 9 August 2014

Concept art

Recently i have been trying to create concept art and so these images are my recreations of already existing art. It has really helped me understand the importance of layering and what brushes give the desired effect.      Its going well, so far...
First image is my own recreation of a desert crash following a tutorial by David Holland on Deviant Art
The Last image is my own recreation of a piece by Frank Victoria

Study of One of the most interesting Villains ever created - The Joker Study

Study of the joker was created on Photoshop using a tablet. It took a few days to create the first one as a result of the shading and detail. Decided to then mess around with the colour and geometry of the piece and was very pleased with the turn out. This may have now sparked a new interesting style and technique for me...